“I was born and raised in Big Spring, Texas. Moved to DFW in the year 1986, after having lived in Lubbock, Chicago, California, and Austin. Was raised in a “legalism” form of religion, attending church as required by my parents, but did not know what a relationship with our Savior was. Upon leaving home at age 18, I stepped away from all forms of spirituality and pursed the hippy lifestyle, with all of its indulgences, including every form of recreational drug imaginable. This continued until 1987, when I wound up in jail for driving while intoxicated at the age of 39. Even though I did not know Jesus at that time, I bargained with God. Told him that I would stop drugging and drinking if I was released from jail, which I followed through with.”
“I was born and raised in Cordon, Isabella, Philippines. Resided in Manila during my college years. Moved to DFW in the year 2000, following a brief stay in Canada. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of 16. He continues to be my everything. I give Him the honor and the glory, as He equips me as a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a co-worker! Without the Lord, I am helpless.”
Wayne and Cathy
“We met at work in 2007. Prior to our marriage, Cathy wanted me to have a relationship with Jesus. I believed in God, but wanted nothing to do with that ‘Jesus thing.’ I looked at Jesus as some sort of myth. Cathy and I attended a multitude of churches in the area. All I kept hearing was about Jesus. We finally attended Rush Creek. Because of Pastor Russ’s style of preaching, and the praise and worship music, I began to ‘get it.’ I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in 2012, at the age of 64. Cathy and I were married in 2013. I was baptized in 2017 at the age of 69.”