Rush Week

Rush Creek Love Schools!

One way we do that is through Rush Week. Each year we partner with several local schools and assist teachers and administrative staff get ready for the new school year. This includes everything from putting up bulletin boards, laminating, cleaning, shelving books and everything in between. For 2024 we are partnering with a total of 32 schools across five school districts, with thousands of volunteers. See below for a list of our current Rush Week schools.

Partner Schools

Arlington Classics Academy – Primary | Arlington Classics Academy – Intermediate | Arlington Classics Academy – Middle | Charlotte Anderson Elementary | Bebensee Elementary | Brockett Elementary | Willie Brown Elementary | Corey Academy of Fine Arts & Dual Language | Daulton Elementary | Davis Elementary | Delaney Elementary | Fellowship Academy | East Handley Elementary | Great Hearts Arlington | Glenn Harmon Elementary | Carol Holt Elementary | Midlothian High School | Judy K Miller Elementary | LaRue Miller Elementary | Mary Moore Elementary | DP Morris Elementary | Erma Nash Elementary | Nancy Neal Elementary | Park Row Christian Academy | R.F Patterson Elementary | MT Peak Elementary | Pearcy STEM Academy | Martha Reid Leadership Academy | Donna Shepherd Intermediate | Elizabeth Smith Innovative Learning Academy | Cora Spencer Elementary | Tarver-Rendon Elementary | Wood Elementary

District Back to School Bashes

We also partner with local school districts to help with their Back-to-School events.

Arlington ISD

The Arlington ISD Back-to-School Kickoff | Saturday, August 3rd 8am-noon at AT&T Stadium

Mansfield ISD

The Mansfield ISD Back-to-School Bash | Saturday August 3rd at 7:30am-noon | Dr. Jim Vaszauskas Performing Arts Center

MISD Back-to-School Bash requires all volunteers to be eighteen (18) or older and not currently enrolled as a student in MISD.

Midlothian ISD

The Midlothian Mayor’s Back-to-School Bash | Saturday, August 3rd 9:00am-1:00pm | Frank Seale Middle School.

Contact Shane Cavitt at [email protected] with any questions.

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