Soul Care
Soul Care is a resource for restoration developing stronger followers of Jesus by engaging people with compassion to foster spiritual growth and healing.
The Groups Team is excited to launch this resource to encourage our church family and surrounding community.
If you’re interested in learning more or being part of this, please attend our Soul Care Circle Workshop.
Soul Care Circle Workshop
Saturday, April 26
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Green Oaks Campus
2350 SW Green Oaks Blvd
Arlington, TX
Join us for the Soul Care Circle Workshop – a one day intensive on spiritual growth and restoration. During our time together, we will dive deep into the restoration of the heart and grow in our understanding of Scripture, Prayer, and the Holy Spirit. This interactive experience will give you tools in your own personal walk with Jesus while equipping you to care for others you walk alongside.
Light snacks in the morning and a lunch meal will be provided. Childcare is not available for this event.
Contact Hope Schatzmann for more information at [email protected].
Registration coming soon!