Green Oaks
Rush Creek Church has operated this ministry to provide food relief for those in emergency need since December 2009. Our focus is to provide temporary help to families who may find themselves overwhelmed or under-resourced. We strive to help these families improve upon their current situation by providing “daily bread” so that they might focus their limited income on things other than meals. Families in need of relief may receive assistance by having the head of household complete a simple application. Upon each visit, photo identification and proof of address must be presented.
Food and monetary donations are much appreciated and may be tax deductible.
Food Pantry Items Needed
Mac & Cheese
Canned Corn
Canned Green beans
Canned Soup
Canned Fruit
Canned Veggies
Jelly (Squeezable bottles if possible)
Peanut butter
Toiletry Items Needed
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Bar Soap
Baby Wipes
For more information, email [email protected], or call 817-466-1720.
Food Pantry Hours (Arlington Park Compassion Center)
Tuesday | 10:00am – 3:00pm
Each year in March/April we host the Arlington Area Job Fair in partnership with Workforce Solutions of Tarrant County, Arlington Independent School District, The City of Arlington and The Great Arlington Chamber of Commerce.
This year the Job Fair will be held on Wednesday, April 2nd, from 10:00am-2:00pm. Job Seekers & Employers can register directly with Workforce Solutions at
Each year we get to love on families in our community with everything they need to prepare their own Thanksgiving feast. We distribute these meals through our Green Oaks Compassion Center.
Each year, through Operation Joy, we have the chance to bless hundreds of local children and families. There are two ways you can get involved: Choose a child or children by providing gifts, or serve in one of several volunteer opportunities available during Operation Joy Week.