Forerunner Families

Rush Creek Families, we want to partner with parents during each child’s faith journey.

We are excited about partnering with you in the discipleship journey of your family – and whether you are a brand-new parent hitting the ground for the first time or a seasoned veteran about to launch a senior into the world – we have all kinds of great resources for you and your family. Our Forerunner Family Pathway can help guide you along the way. Our desire here at Rush Creek is to help disciple every kid in stereo – with aligned encouragement, instruction, and support both at home and at church – trusting the Lord to lead down the path of discipleship together. To help you in whatever stage you currently find yourself in – we’ve put together a list of great resources to help meet your needs along the way. Keep checking back as we will continually be adding more throughout the year.

Parent Role: Protector/Nurturer

Infants and toddlers associate spaces, places, and experiences with feelings. This gives parents and church leaders the opportunity to help our kids associate faith moments and environments with positive feelings of love, joy, safety, curiosity, and playfulness.

Kid Resources

Big Theology for Little Hearts Español: Big Theology for Little Hearts

Parent Resources

Praying Circles Around Your Children Parenting: Getting It Right The Focus on the Family Guide

Parent Role: Provider/Director

As 3-5 year olds continue in their physical and spiritual development, they are internalizing all kinds of new information at an incredibly rapid pace. To coincide with their growing curiosity and ability to engage broader concepts, we want to begin introducing foundational faith elements in a myriad of different ways. Faith talks, prayer, scripture, and community experiences should be introduced and normalized both at home and at church.

Kids Resources

The Jesus Storybook Bible Español: The Jesus Storybook Bible The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross

Parent Resources

Boundaries with Kids Español: Boundaries with Kids


Bible Project

Parent Role: Teacher/Corrector

In the heart of their elementary years, kids need opportunities to deepen their understanding of faith in both intellectual and experiential mediums. Broader concepts of “Jesus loves you” move into deeper conversations of salvation, sin, serving, and worship. Parents and church leaders can help facilitate opportunities to teach AND expose our kids to deeper levels of familiar concepts.

Kids Resources

CSB Easy-for-me Bible for Early Readers CSB Grace Bible for Kids Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science
Español: Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science

Parent Resources

Talking to your Kids about God

Parent Role: Guide/Accountability

Our pre-teens and middle schoolers need to understand that faith is not just about what we believe, but what we do. With a firm grasp on concepts, we want to push them into environments that will bring these tenets of faith to life. Giving our kids opportunities to serve, worship with adults, share their faith, and take the Lord’s Supper are just a few examples of living what they’ve been learning!

Kid/Student Resources

CSB Kids Bible CSB Student Study Bible

Parent Resources

Age of Opportunity Español: Age of Opportunity
Mama Bear Apologetics Living in a Gray World

Parent Role: Model/Motivator

At this stage, we need to motivate our teenagers to begin embracing their faith as their own. We must encourage spiritual disciplines, Biblical community, personal evangelism, and a willingness to wrestle with the harder realities of living out their faith in a culture of disbelief. However, information is no longer enough. Inspiration and modeling play a huge role. Our teenagers can spot inauthentic and disconnected believers from a mile away – both at home and in the church. Exposure to relationships with authentic, growing, and transparent believers is critical.

Student Resources

9 Common Lies Christians Believe New Morning Mercies for Teens CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students

Parent Resources

Boundaries with Teens Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
Español: Boundaries with Teens Español: Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

Parent Role: Coach/Resource

As students near the end of their high school journeys, their natural desire for independence will leave them open to influence, but resistant to control. During these final years in the home, parents and church leaders have the opportunity to equip their students with necessary tools for living out their faith after they leave the home.

Student Resource

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (And Answer) about Christianity Español: 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (And Answer) about Christianity

Parent Resource

Confronting Christianity Español: Confronting Christianity